The next installment (45-41) of Betsy Bird's "Top 100 Children's Novels" list is up at A Fuse #8 Production.
I've read The Golden Compass* (by Philip Pullman, number 45 on this list; aka Northern Lights), Ramona the Pest (Beverly Cleary, #43) and The Witch of Blackbird Pond** (Elizabeth George Speare, #41).
I really recommend looking at Betsy's posts - she's putting a lot of work into them. For each book, she has not only its place, the title, the author's name, and the original publication date; she includes comments from people who nominated the book, the publisher's synopsis, her own comments, quotes from other reviewers, links to related web pages, links to video clips of film versions (and stage versions, and author interviews, and...), and pictures of the covers from many different editions, including foreign covers (such as the Danish cover I used for Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets).
* Carnegie Medal winner
** Newbery Medal winner
getting old?
5 years ago