Midshipman, Royal Navy; the Naval Brigade
Born: 9 May 1882, Bishop Auckland, County Durham
Died: 29 December 1956, Lambeth, South London

Mr. Guy stopped with him, and, after seeing what the injury was, attempted to lift him up and carry him in, but was not strong enough, so after binding up the wound Mr. Guy ran to get assistance. In the mean time the remainder of the company had passed in under cover, and the entire fire from the city wall was concentrated on Mr. Guy and McCarthy. Shortly after Mr. Guy had got in under cover the stretchers came up, and again Mr. Guy dashed out and assisted in placing McCarthy on the stretcher and carrying him in.
The wounded man was however shot dead just as he was being carried into safety.
During the whole time a very heavy fire had been brought to bear upon Mr. Guy, and the ground around him was absolutely ploughed up.
(London Gazette Issue 27262 dated 1 Jan 1901, published 1 Jan 1901.)
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