02 May 2008

"Spring Song of the Birds"

Today, in honour of the season, I have a short poem written by James I, King of Scots (1394-1437).

Spring Song of the Birds

Worschippe ye that loveris bene this May,
For of your blisse the Kalendis are begonne,
And sing with us, Away, Winter, away!
Cum, Somer, cum, the suete sesoun and sonne!
Awake for schame! that have your hevynnis wonne,
And amorously lift up your hedis all,
Thank Lufe that list you to his merci call!

Click on the "Poetry Friday" button at left for this week's round-up, which is hosted by Kelly, the inventor of Poetry Friday, at Big A little a. (Susan, of Susan Writes, has done a round-up of previous round-ups here.)

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