Leading Aircraftman, Royal Air Force
Born: 19 October 06, Grimsby, Lincolnshire
Died: 2 April 1942, Malta
Rendered safe the torpedo of a burning torpedo aircraft, working 3 feet from the main petrol tank for ten minutes.
Extinguished a burning aircraft during a heavy bombing attack.
Attempted to save a burning aircraft and subsequently removed torpedoes from the vicinity.
Assisted in saving the pilot of a burning aircraft and extinguishing the fire.
Saved an aircraft from destruction by fire.
Attempted for six hours to extricate airmen from a bombed shelter, despite continued heavy bombing and danger, from falling stone-work.
Fought fires in two aircraft, his efforts resulting in the saving of one.
Freed the parachute of a burning flare caught in an aircraft, enabling the pilot to taxy clear.
Checked the fire in a burning aircraft, the greater part of which was undamaged.
The last three incidents occurred on the same day. Leading Aircraftman Osborne was unfortunately killed on 2nd April, 1942. During an intense, air attack he led a party to extinguish the flames of a burning aircraft. A petrol tank exploded and he was injured and affected by the fumes. On recovery, he returned to fight the fire and was killed by the explosion of an air vessel while attempting to pour water over torpedoes which were in danger of exploding. This airman's fearless courage and great leadership on all occasions have been beyond praise. The Air Officer Commanding, Royal Air Force Mediterranean, has stated that he was "one of the bravest airmen it has been my privilege to meet".
[London Gazette issue 35625 dated 10 Jul 1942, published 7 Jul 1942.]
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